In addition to this blog, I also have a podcast.
It had been something that'd been on my mind for a long time. I have watched as my industry - county conservation - has been undergoing a huge generational turnover. Along the way, I recorded some interviews with retiring/retired directors that I knew, mostly to glean their institutional knowledge from 30-40+ years in the system. That spawned additional ideas for topics to talk to people about and pretty soon I had a long and growing list of topic ideas along with a much smaller, but still growing, collection of recordings.
It felt a bit selfish to horde all that knowledge. So...podcast. It's a show for parks and conservation professionals, specifically those working in Iowa's county conservation system. My hope is that the insight shared in the episodes helps people be better leaders in their jobs, at home, and in their communities. I know it has helped me. And I can think of no better way to move the world forward, to leave it better for our kids, than to be better leaders.
Now, some caveats: I am no professional interviewer. Nor am I a professional audio engineer. Most of my early recordings were done with an iPhone and edited (not well) in free audio editing software (such as Audacity & Auphonic). The intro music was made with Garage Band on my iPhone the first time I ever used that app. The sound quality in those early episodes is not great, but I'm working to improve over time as I get better at this stuff and utilize better technologies.
I do hope you'll find some benefit from the content in these episodes and I welcome any feedback and/or ideas for future topics and guests. Just use the contact form on this site or leave a comment below.
We only have one world to leave the next generation. Let's make it a good one.
Find all my podcast episodes wherever you get your podcasts. To see a listing of all episodes, simply search this site for posts with the Podcast label. Or find them all here.
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