Beware the Bait and Switch
There’s a small chance the Iowa legislature will vote to fund
the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund this year. But will
they change the distribution formula at the same time?
Some say yes, despite the fact that doing so would be
nothing short of a “bait and switch” on all of us Iowans.
Allow me to explain.
The Trust Fund’s Formula
In an earlier post, I described the process involved in
creating the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. Between 2006
and 2010 when the constitutional amendment vote was taken, a ton of people from
a bunch of different backgrounds spent a ton of time gathering input from Iowans.
From those conversations came the idea of a sales-tax-funded, constitutionally protected
fund that would be used “for the purposes of protecting and enhancing water
quality and natural areas in the State including parks, trails, and fish and
wildlife habitat, and conserving agricultural soils in this State” (that’s the
exact wording from the ballot measure).
Now it’s one thing to create a fund; it’s something else
entirely to distribute the fund’s dollars, especially when we’re talking $150
million or more annually (if the legislature ever actually funds it).
So along with the recommendation for the fund, the
committees and legislators involved also proposed a formula by which those
funds would be divided and distributed. This formula is what they came up with, which was ultimately enacted into state
code prior to the passing of the constitutional
amendment in 2010.
Therefore, when we voted by a 63 percent margin to amend the
constitution and create the Trust Fund, this was the distribution formula we
were working from. This was how we expected those hundreds of millions of
dollars to be allocated.
Notice that not all of it is directed to water quality (though more than 60 percent would be through the various programs, including those not exclusively water-focused). Nor is
all of it directed to parks. Or trails. Or to any one agency. It’s diversified,
kind of like your investment portfolio should be. Which makes sense really,
because the dollars that would funnel through the Fund are essentially
investing in the diversity of things Iowans find important (and are willing to
pay for), as determined during the lengthy research process that took place before the
amendment vote.
The Bait: Water Quality
From the start of this whole process, the committees
intentionally took a “big picture” approach in asking Iowans what they felt was
important and what they were willing to pay for. The focus was not just natural
resources, or water quality, or trails, or parks, or ag land conservation…it
was all the above. And while some of those may be more important to some Iowans
than others, the formula’s pie slices addressed the things Iowans
collectively said they valued.
But with the increasing awareness of the issues facing water
quality in our state (which I previously wrote about here, here, and here),
that topic has floated (pun intended) to the surface and has dominated the
#FundTheTrust discussion for the past few years. And since the vast majority of
the nutrients in our waters come from nonpoint sources (such as ag fields)
coupled with the fact that there are some very powerful influencers in the ear
of our lawmakers encouraging them to direct more funding toward the ag sector,
there’s been a fair bit of discussion about changing the Trust Fund’s formula.
The Switch: Changing the Formula
It is likely that if we do see a bill (or bills) proposed in
Des Moines to fund the Trust, they will also include a change to the formula (at least that seems to be what we keep hearing).
This change will most likely take money away from parks and trails and put it
toward ag programs. There has also been an increasing demand from Farm Bureau
to prohibit the purchase of land for public use (never mind that Iowa is near
last nationally in the amount of public land, but that’s a topic for a later post).
Make no mistake, I have no issue extolling the virtues of
investment in water quality. Hell, I’ve dedicated a fair portion of this blog
to it so far. But if that really is the stance of many of our elected leaders,
why the hell is it only just now a key policy issue? Where was that devotion to
water quality the last seven (or twenty) years?
Here’s the thing. The Trust is more than just water quality.
The Trust, and the accompanying formula, as
currently written, is the product of the collective voices of Iowans just
as funding it will come from the payment of taxes from those very same Iowans (and
a bunch of non-Iowans too for that matter since about 15 percent of sales
tax collections come from outside the state). As is, more than 60 percent of
the fund would go toward things that directly address the Iowa Nutrient
Reduction Strategy. Additionally, as designed, the vast majority of the Fund’s
dollars would be distributed through existing programs and administrative
infrastructure, reducing the need for additional bureaucracy (a novel idea in government, I
The Fund also cannot
be used for regulatory or enforcement actions, eminent domain or litigation. On
private land, it can only be used for voluntary practices. It is also subject
to an annual audit. All of these criteria were put in place ahead of our vote
on the constitutional amendment that created the Fund.
Here’s how I see it. If we’re going to place the burden of
funding on the backs of all Iowans, we darn well ought to ensure that the
benefits meet the diverse natural resource and outdoor recreation demands of those Iowans. The current formula does just that. It is the product of a major effort to understand the wants and needs of all Iowans. Changing it now would be nothing shy of a “bait and switch” at best.
Changing the formula is basically saying that what we want isn’t actually important, and that a bunch
of politicians – most of which weren’t around when the whole study process took
place – know better than we do what’s best for us. It’s having us vote on one
thing but delivering something different.
It’s a bait and switch, pure and simple. And none of us
should stand for that.
Want to make sure they listen? Contact your legislator and tell them you support funding the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund without any changes to the formula. It only takes a few minutes to punch out an email or leave a phone message at the switchboard. Hold them accountable. Make them listen. Remind them that they work for us.
To learn more about the effort to fund the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund, check out the Iowa's Water and Land Legacy website at or follow the coalition on Facebook.
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