Open Letter to Iowa Legislators
It’s time to Fund the Trust!
We have been waiting since 2010 to see the Natural Resources and OutdoorRecreation Trust Fund funded, and the time has come. You have a perfect opportunity here to heed the will of Iowans by tying this funding to the overall tax law changes. Yours could be the legislature that future generations look back on with reverence on account of the clean water, abundant wildlife, and great parks and trails they get to enjoy because YOU were bold enough to do what Iowans have been asking the legislature to do for eight years now.
You likely know where I stand on this. But I suspect you're not just hearing this from me. Funding the Trust has broad support across the state from constituents on both sides of the political spectrum.
Funding the Trust is vital not only for our water quality and natural resources, but for our local economies.
Thank you for your time. As we near the end of session, please make funding the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund a priority, with the current formula in tact.
Thank you,
Chris Lee
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