Podcast: Legislative Update for January 30, 2023
This is the first of what will likely be many legislative updates shared through this show. This is a snapshot of the status of the Iowa Legislature as it applies to the world of county conservation as of this day in time (January 30, 2023). There are a lot of moving parts in the legislature so if you listen to this much past the original posting date, there's a good chance some of this will be outdated already. So it goes...
I do plan to post these updates with some regularity, especially as exciting things start happening in Des Moines involving parks and conservation. This inaugural update includes some encouragement to be involved in the process. If you don't already know your legislators personally, I encourage you to make that contact and cultivate that relationship. We, as county conservationists, are the first line of advocacy and education when it comes to policy involving conservation and outdoor recreation. Let's not take that responsibility lightly.
Want to learn more about a bill or find your legislator? Start here: https://www.legis.iowa.gov.
Credit to Craig Patterson and Amy Campbell for the legislative newsletter I used as the basis for this update. Also thanks to IEC for providing a summary of the flood infrastructure bill.
And finally, if you have questions, thoughts, concerns or comments regarding this episode, please let me know via email or in a comment on the website at www.OutdoorExecutiveDad.com. Was this helpful? I especially want to know if you want more of these updates in the future.
Thanks for what you do and keep making a difference out there!
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